Love your upper back

How’s your upper back feeling lately?

I’m talking to all my desk workers, breast-/chestfeeders, and humans who interact with the world that lies in front of them frequently! (That’s all of us!) Because most of our daily interactions involve engaging with the space in front of us, our chest can become rounded and our upper back can feel stiff and uncomfortable as a result. 

To remedy this - absolutely adjust your ergonomics and try to modify your positions frequently throughout the day.

AND… try this ACTIVE MOBILITY SEQUENCE to truly serve as a reset. Through this dynamic sequence you have an opportunity to create new neuromuscular pathways so that you can feel open, strong, and light.

This quick "movement snack" is designed to reset your upper back. In this sequence, we strategically target thoracic spine mobility and activation of the upper back body. It feels good to feel good!

See the instagram post for narrated step by step instructions or watch the video, read the words, and most importantly, MOVE along with me!
*This is pregnancy and postpartum safe with a modification for #7.

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing x 10 rounds of breath
    dial in, center, calm the nervous system

  2. Kneeling thoracic rotation x 10 rounds each side
    emphasize upper back rotation

  3. Cat/cow x 10 rounds
    ring out the whole spine

  4. Serratus punches x 10
    say hello to your back body with this closed-chain scapular protraction and retraction

  5. Opposite shoulder blade rotations x 10 each direction
    challenge round!

  6. Anahatasana stretch x 10 rounds of breath

    come right back into calming the nervous system

  7. Lying I’s, W’s, Breaststrokes x 10 rounds each position
    Perform this in standing if you are pregnant or unable to tolerate lying on your belly

    now that you’ve got mobility and proprioception on board, get those muscles to remember their job through active engagement

  8. Diaphragmatic breathing x 10 rounds of breath
    shake away tension, center, INTEGRATE

Let me know how it goes! If one or more of these feel good, do yourself a favor and try them daily. It feels good to feel good!


Be sure to check out online yoga and personal training offers to learn about ways we can work together to address your personal goals.