Wild thing

Camatkarasana, also known as 'Wild Thing', is a dynamic and challenging yoga posture. One translation of Camatkarasana is, “the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart.” This pose opens our heart space to living and loving, fearlessly and confidently. It's a pose that I love because practicing it requires us to embody contrast through our both our strength & suppleness simultaneously.

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On a purely physical note, this pose requires both stability and mobility of the wrists, shoulders, hips, and spine. Check out this post for a tasty upper back mobility practice. So be sure to warm up well before flowing into this sequence. You may want to use this as a stepping stone before playing with even more invigorating backbends like wheel pose!

I find that both on and off the mat, in order for me to experience the ecstatic delight of heart opening, I first need something to root into. The front, back, and side core all dynamically engage to provide a foundation from which opening is possible. This three dimensional focus of stability can then be weaved in between the heart budding expansion moments in this sequence to make them all the more delightful. What a beautiful way to celebrate the contrast of life!

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