when to consider modifying exercises


Many folks that are rebuilding their cores have a difficult time with managing pressure (intra-abdominal pressure to be exact). When an activity requirement has a greater demand than one’s body is able to accept in that moment, the extra stress goes somewhere and can have an impact on pelvic floor function over time.

When creating a home exercise plan for an individual rehabbing their core, I like to teach a simplified way of clueing in to how pressure is being managed during a particular exercise using the three B’s.

▽ bulging: Look at your belly. Is it protruding outwards?

breath holding: Ask yourself, am I breathing? Can I maintain a steady breath cycle if I focus on exhaling fully through the exertion?

bearing down: Do you feel pressure in your perineum akin to pushing out gas or poo?

💡 bonus: Are you having fun? This might be most important part! If you aren’t into the home program you probably won’t do it frequently enough to get your desired results. Change it up and have some fun because life is short and you deserve to smile with your whole body.

Hopefully this gives you some simple compensation strategies to look out for. I definitely recommend you check in with a trusted physio if you are rehabbing from an injury, surgery, birth, etc. to help you personalize your program and to guide you in progressing towards your goals.