
All it takes is a minute of conscious breathing awareness to tap into the flow state of the present moment.

This practice of developing a relationship with the breath is the foundation for so many of my patients in the clinic and clients in wellness. 

▽ birth preparation: building awareness to a supple opening

▽ postpartum healing: reconnecting through a full range of motion

▽ pelvic floor dysfunction: restoring coordination for optimal function

▽ pain conditions: promoting new neural pathways

Take a moment right now to try it. Adjust your position wherever you are, or assume a supported squat (++ as many props as you like for comfort), sit on an exercise ball, or even recline in a bath tub (might as well make it luxe if you can). 

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Visualize your ribcage, belly and pelvic floor swelling like a balloon filling with air three dimensionally as you gently breathe in. As you exhale, imagine the balloon passively recoiling as your ribcage, belly and pelvic floor return back to their starting position. Take a look at this visual to guide you.

▽ soften as you inhale through your nose

▽ notice the passive recoil as you exhale through pursed lips

▽ focus on the subtle contrast between these two parts of your breath cycle